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Meaning : A strip of bicycle or car tyre tubing used in the making of a "Blada" game loop or in the making of catapults or for tying brooms
Use : Blada yangu ni sparki poa ya kumake feya = This rubber has good elasticity for making a good catapult
Period: Early 80's
Related to: Games, Household items,
Synonyms: None

Area of origin : Unknown
Derived from English word "Bladder" which in turn is thought to have originated from the earlier footballs that were made of animal intestines

Blada - (Noun) - [ Bla-da ]

Meaning : A game that involves three players where two of these players stand astride a long strip of knotted used tyre tubing while the third player hops in and out of the loop as the height of the loop starts from the ankles all the way to the neck.
Use : Leo madem wanacheza blada kwa field = Today the girls are playing _blada_ in the field
Period: Early 60's
Related to: Games
Synonyms: None

Area of origin : Unknown
Derived from English word "Bladder"

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